BC’s Juice Steals The Show At Commencement Ball 2015



The main dance floor had mostly emptied out by midnight, but on the other end of the Boston Sheraton, Boston College jam band Juice was packing in the crowd for a third encore at Commencement Ball 2015. The group would close its two-plus hour set with a inventive cover of Kanye West’s “Gold Digger.” Frontman Benjamin Stevens, CSOM ’17, offered a velvety interpretation of Jamie Foxx’s take-my-money interlude while violinist-vocalist Christian Rougeau, MCAS ’17, tackled West’s verses.

It had been a wild evening for the eight-piece act, which started off with only a modest crowd, but by night’s end, stole nearly the entire senior class from Dorchester DJ Clinton Sparks, the event’s headliner. Juice’s diverse set hit on several high points, including a cover of Mark Ronson and Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie,” which finished the first half of its performance. Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September” also made its way onto the setlist. Both songs were later to be repeated by crowd request.

Per tradition, the regular set ended with Juice original “Where I Wanna Be,” the recently recorded group anthem. Considering this was an original, plenty in the crowd still seemed to know the words.

For bassist Rami El-Abidin, MCAS ’15, Friday marked his final Juice performance as a BC undergraduate, but for most of Juice, the night was a perfect occasion to rock some under-21 wristbands and crash the biggest evening of this spring’s Senior Week.

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