Alex Gaynor is a senior staff columnist and former assistant photography editor for The Heights. You can usually find her somewhere on Brighton Campus drinking loose-leaf tea and wearing wild pants. She is very overwhelmed by modern forms of social media so please don't try to tweet her on the Twitter.

Here’s To Everyday First Days
Column, News

Here’s To Everyday First Days

Life is full of first days of school, or experiences that demand our strength and test us in the more important ways. They allow us to rethink prior beliefs and ways of living and offer up a new path if we so choose to take it.

News, Column

Giving Our Hearts Away

By: Alex Gaynor

Responsibilities and obligations may be more significant duties than we often imagine. There are the typical responsibilities such as washing dishes after a meal and simple obligations like showing up for class on time-but there are also responsibilities toward one another and the crazy, giant world that we all inhabit.

News, Column

Be Human, Be Alive

By: Alex Gaynor

We are often so hesitant to admit our weaknesses. But, a part of being human is the struggle to make sense of ourselves, our role in our society and environment, and life itself.

Column, News

Words Not Required

By: Alex Gaynor

In an ever-globalizing world, non-verbal and technological communication has become the norm, making antiquated ways of communicating obsolete in many situations.

Column, News

Freedom Of Getting Lost

By: Alex Gaynor

The term “lost” tends to connote chaos and confusion. Lost is the exact opposite of having and abiding by a plan or carefully reviewed map. As my professor stated, perhaps getting lost can actually reveal to us places, people, and experiences that we never would have even fathomed had we stuck to our personal maps and plans.

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