Alex Gaynor is a senior staff columnist and former assistant photography editor for The Heights. You can usually find her somewhere on Brighton Campus drinking loose-leaf tea and wearing wild pants. She is very overwhelmed by modern forms of social media so please don't try to tweet her on the Twitter.

News, Column

Home, Not A House

By: Alex Gaynor

I have realized that the housing process at Boston College-whether you are its biggest fan or its worst enemy-brings to a light a lot of questions about a home itself.

News, Column

Sunrise, Sunset

By: Alex Gaynor

By not worrying as much about the future with a schedule of events and timetables, I’ve noticed that the Filipino culture is substantially more relaxed than American society.

Column, News

Sharing Identity

By: Alex Gaynor

We live in a highly individualistic society in the U.S., and sometimes it may seem that the only way to live in a true community is within the microcosmic context of college campuses or intentional communities.

News, Column

COLUMN: Consider The Kitsch

By: Alex Gaynor

Blame it on the advertising industry, the American Dream, or even human nature, but our society has a tendency to resort to looking at the world through an overtly positive and kitschy frame of mind.

Column, Off Campus, News

Happy Accidents

By: Alex Gaynor

As a child, I always resisted situations that I didn’t have a plan for. I knew what I wanted, I planned out how circumstances would resolve themselves, and I would be intolerant of a situation happening any other way.

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