My Internship Made Me Feel Like Sh—
Opinions, Column

My Internship Made Me Feel Like Sh—

I gained more from my internship by realizing that although college is kind of like playing pretend, the feelings we experience are very real, so we shouldn’t take them lightly. Addressing what you feel is needed and will make you feel more secure about experiences out in the real world. 

A Polite F—k You to the Institutions
Opinions, Column

A Polite F—k You to the Institutions

It’s hard to encapsulate the emotions, thoughts, and feelings that occur during your first year of college. I’m not eager to answer the question “how was college?” because at that moment I know my mind will be completely blank. So, I’ve actually started to think about it more often, choosing which highs and lows to…

Am I This Person Forever?
Column, Opinions

Am I This Person Forever?

Going back home for Winter Break made me feel like I had somehow failed at achieving the full college experience. My response to “How was college?” was not filled with crazy stories about parties in the Mods, exploring downtown Boston, or eye-opening experiences that somehow led me to the major of my dreams.  I wanted…

I’m not white, I’m not pretty
Opinions, Column

I’m not white, I’m not pretty

Starting college gives you an opportunity to reinvent yourself. We’re all trying new things like sneaking our way into a mod party through a bathroom window, joining the Outdoor Adventures club, or dying our hair blonde, auburn, bright red—anything far from what our parents would approve of.  I’ve often heard people say they want to…