“Mill’s declaration that “over his body every individual is sovereign,” seems reasonable enough; that an individual should decide what he wants done to his body seems self-evident.”
What to Change About BC Dining
“Virtually every other school in the United States has a buffet dining system based on “swipes,” where a student pays for a certain number of entrance charges that grant him or her access to an unlimited amount of food after paying a base price.”
Kaepernick and the Role of the National Anthem in Sports
“The responses to Kaepernick’s actions have been polarized. Many people praise him as a champion of groups that do not have the power or means to speak for themselves, while others label him an attention-seeking brat. While he clearly has the right to kneel during the national anthem, we must assess whether his actions ought to be condemned or praised.”
The Implications of Zika and American Abortion Law
“American women faced with the prospect of giving birth to infants with permanent physical deformities due to infection with Zika are in fact not presented with much in the way of relief.”
Rights Violated This St. Patrick’s Day, Organizers Say
A federal judge ordered Tuesday that the St. Patrick’s Day parade in South Boston has a First Amendment right to march along its original route.
A Year On From Fatal Shooting, Boston Hospitals Still Debate On the Appropriate Course of Action
“Until state lawmakers require all Massachusetts hospitals to implement effective workplace violence initiatives, as proposed by the MNA, Brigham nurses will continue to fight for the safety of their hospital,” the Committee said.
The Other Side Of The Gender Gap
‘Because men enjoy so many political, legal, and social privileges just by virtue of their sex, it may seem odd to hear that males of the world are in fact in a state of disarray, one that is cause for immense worry.’
A Policy Assessment Of Transgender Rights
When caught between what’s right for the community and what’s right for the individual, on which side should we fall?
Why I’m Not Voting
When looking at reasons to vote, it’s important to understand the difference between purposeful passivity and just being indifferent to the election itself.
Immigration Reform: The True Cost Of Amnesty
U.S. immigration reform is an issue that needs attention, but the current solution only looks to hurt the American taxpayer.