The reality of the Affordable Care act being upheld is that the ever-volatile political winds in Washington remain in the favor of the Democrats and the Obama Administration.
The Tenuous Eurozone ‘Recovery’
The geopolitical landscape continues to shift in Europe, and it doesn’t look like things are getting any better.
We’re Not Here To Learn: Problems With The Core
Though Boston College prides itself on its core curriculum, it is the weakest part of the school’s liberal arts program.
Obamacare Not So Caring
The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, continues to come down under scrutiny, especially in light of a recent court case, King v. Burwell.
Artifice Of Service
Voluntourism—traveling to a poor area to do service and get the perfect Instagram—is a fast growing trend among college students, but is due for a closer examination.
Beauty Is In The Eyes Of Your Doctor
The movement often encourages poor dietary and health habits as well. Too much self-acceptance can encourage laziness and complacency.
A Positive Detachment
The call to be more genuine and more uncensored in our lives is a big statement with equally lofty demands.
The Problem With Federalizing Community College
Although the plan to make community college free for qualified students looks good on paper, the plan is actually plagued with a host of problems.