Amy Palmer (she/her) was a copy editor forThe Heightsin fall 2023. She was formerly an assistant news editor in 2021 and the associate news editor in 2022. You can contact her atamy.palmer@bcheights.comand follow her on Twitter@aapalmer4.

BCPD, BPD Respond to Hoax Phone Call on Campus

BCPD, BPD Respond to Hoax Phone Call on Campus

The Boston College Police Department responded to a hoax phone call on Saturday night that claimed an individual in 66 Commonwealth Ave. possessed a gun and intended to harm himself, according to Associate Vice President for University Communications Jack Dunn.

Turning Point Repeatedly Contacts UGBC Members, Reflecting Nationwide Pattern of Targeting Student Governments
Top Story, On Campus, News

Turning Point Repeatedly Contacts UGBC Members, Reflecting Nationwide Pattern of Targeting Student Governments

A representative of the Campus Leadership Project (CLP)—a conservative leadership development organization designed for college students—has repeatedly contacted and offered resources to a number of Boston College students involved in UGBC. CLP Senior Victory Coordinator Michael Yurkovskiy first reached out to Julia Spagnola, UGBC vice president–elect and MCAS ’23, while she was still a representative...
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