Ariana Igneri was the Associate Arts & Review editor at The Heights in 2014, where she enjoyed writing about boy bands, ballet, and other finer things. Follow her on Twitter at @arianaigneri.

Arts, Column

A ‘Girl Meets World’ Of TV

By: Ariana Igneri

As Disney Channel moves forward with its spin-off Girl Meets World, I can’t help but look back, remembering the beloved, decades-old original and all the ways that it’s influenced my life.


This Weekend In Arts: April 10-13

By: Ariana Igneri

Students will be able to see several musical performances this weekend, such as The Sharps’ ‘British Invasion Cafe,’ and the annual ‘Stix & Stones’ show by The Acoustics and The Bostonians, as well as comedy shows by Hello … Shovelhead! and the Committee for Creative Enactments.

Arts, Column

‘Social Media Is Tricky’

By: Ariana Igneri

James Franco’s Instagram incident this weekend paints a dismal picture of our generation’s current state of relationship. It’s just one of many cases exemplifying how social media has distorted the lens through which we perceive and interact with the world.

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