Boston College students taught unique courses to local high school students at this year’s BC Splash.
Reclaiming Stories Of Assault At ‘Take Back The Night’
Survivors and supporters shared stories at the annual C.A.R.E. Week event.
A Coordinated Effort To Combat Sexual Assault In C.A.R.E. Week
Several events in the upcoming week will educate students on sexual assault and violence.
History Professor Considers Post-Cold War Policy In Latest Book
In James Cronin’s most recent book, he discusses the new world order proposed by the West after the Cold War.
Zoolander Walks Never Ending Line Between Creativity And Commercialism
Paris Fashion Week ended with a strange and exciting publicity stunt from Ben Stiller, but what did this appearance mean for the industry?
Alpha Sigma Nu Recognizes New Student Inductees
On Sunday afternoon, 100 Boston College students were welcomed into Alpha Sigma Nu, the honor society of Jesuit institutes of higher education.
One Million Closer To A Cure, And Still Counting
BC Relay for Life reaches one million dollar fundraising milestone.
Five Students Recognized For Embodying Spirit Of MLK In Annual Scholarship Event
Five undergraduate finalists were recognized at the 33rd annual installment of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship ceremony, with Cai Thomas, A&S ’16, selected as the winner.
Reassessing Excess In Dining Halls
Every Bite Counts is a UGBC initiative meant to minimize waste and help those in need.
And They’re Off: UGBC Election Season Commences
The UGBC Campaign Kickoff event marks the start of the presidential and executive vice presidential campaign season for the 2015-2016 school year.