“From a societal perspective, elder financial abuse is a very large issue,” Yi said. “It results in around two billion dollars of losses for seniors every year.”
Snell Provides In-Depth Social Work Career Guide in New Book
“All of our students come feeling very passionate about wanting to make a difference in the world, but that looks different depending on the sorts of passions of that person,” Snell said. “I am a big proponent of educating everyone about how many different things you can do with an MSW degree.”
Scholarship, Collaboration, and Interdisciplinary Education: The Schiller Institute Opportunities for Boston College
“It’s really interesting to be able to talk to people from so many different backgrounds and understand those nuances better,” Sehdev said. “And I think a lot of Schiller’s programs tend to be like that, because there are so many people from fields like economics, political science, law, and other different fields in the humanities, and then obviously a lot of STEM.”
Isotopes, Nitrogen, and Oceans: BC Professor’s Lab Provides Unique Insight Into Ocean Chemistry
“My interest spans the entire range of Earth history, nutrient cycling, and exploring the ocean and how it affects the climate system,” Wang said.
Mysterious Moon Meetings: Uncovering BC’s Moon Club
“One day we were like, ‘Oh my god, the full moon—we should go and celebrate the full moon on Gasson Quad’ and that’s it,” Keller said.