“As a black, working-class woman, I was shocked by very little that Trump said.”
Opinions, Column
Why We Need Black Lives Matter
“It’s because we have not healed from the transatlantic slave movement that Black Lives Matter is now the legacy that we have inherited and must take time to understand.”
Column, Opinions
Promoting BC Diversity
“We have the answer to resolving the diversity question at BC. I think we just have to value this question as being important enough to resolve and give it the attention it deserves.”
Opinions, Column
How Trump Reveals America’s Problems
“I want Trump’s run for president to be seen as a pulse check rather than a joke.”
Opinions, Column
The Importance of College in the Inner City
“A significant amount of Detroit’s population that has lived in the city for years won’t have the chance to fully participate in the city’s emerging meritocratic “brain economy,” in which jobs are limited to those with at least bachelor’s degrees.”