“As counterintuitive as it may seem, picking either Cruz or Trump in the long run is likely to help moderate Republicans in the future, by showing those on the far right that their extreme candidates cannot win a general election.”
Opinions, Column
How Capitalism Can Free Cuba
“The embargo on Cuba has failed. Let us expose Cuba to capitalism and allow it to prosper.”
Opinions, Column
The Problem of Common Core
“Using an untested, unproven method all over the country is a risky and dangerous move. Educational standards should be created then reviewed and discussed with teachers, parents, students, and local governments around the country before they become the norm.”
Opinions, Column
The Real Loser in Iowa? The Democratic Party
Of course there were obvious winners and losers in the 2016 Iowa Caucus, but the biggest loser of the Iowa Caucus was the Democratic Party.
Column, Opinions
Pushing Back Populism in the 2016 Elections
America must resist the temptation of populism and unify behind a rational candidate. It is true that this election cycle lacks extremely strong candidates, but some more moderate ones are capable of leading our nation.