The Vietnamese Student Association’s ninth annual culture show found inspiration in the famous Vietnamese variety show ‘Paris By Night.’
Despite Journalistic Inconsitancies, ‘Vice News Tonight’ Is Not Without Virtue
As is customary with Vice Media, ‘Vice News Tonight’ unearths some of the most gripping stories in the world, though it struggles to maintain stoutly unbiased reports or decouple from the standard nightly news format.
Holding Out Hope for ‘Rogue One’ and the Future of ‘Star Wars’
While fans and critics of the sci-fi series are rethinking their initial reactions to ‘The Force Awakens,’ one fans holds onto the hope that the future of the series is still in the right hands.
Brittany Maier’s ‘Playing By Ear’ Concert Inspires and Captivates Attendees
Hearing both music from and story of Brittany Maier at her Best Buddies concert Friday night was one of the more touching experiences that could ever be found on campus.
Breaking the Mold, One Bowl of Ramen at a Time
It’s important to break molds every once in a while.
Gamers Ready for a Return to Wild Wild West with ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’
It’s been a long time coming, but fans of the renowned western game series can rest easy knowing the next Rockstar masterpiece is only a year away.
Newcomer Whitney Tops the 2016 Music Scene with ‘Light Upon the Lake’
With its break up concept album, Whitney spans a range of emotions that most artists are unable to tackle on such a short album.
Marvel’s ‘Luke Cage,’ Like its Titular Hero, Is Nearly Invincible
The first season of Marvel’s latest Netflix program hits nearly every beat, spare one notable exception.
Hollywood Takes On The Donald
While both presidential candidates have garnered all types of supports, it’s interesting to see the celebrities that have filed into their respective camps this election season.
Batman v. Superman v. Marvel
How much longer will Marvel dominate the superhero box office and how long will DC be relegated to eating glue in the corner?