Tracy Regan, associate professor of economics, found it interesting that Trump did not publically back the American Health Care Act, contrasting it with his usual tendency to use his name for marketing.
News, On Campus
Survivor of Chronic Illness Describes Sexism in Healthcare System
Over 50 million people in the United States suffer from some chronic illness, the majority of which are autoimmune diseases.
News, On Campus
Downs Talks Often-Ignored Post-Emancipation Struggles of Former Slaves
“The story of freedom, the story of emancipation, led to enormous death.”
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Jennings Highlights Importance of Liberal Arts Education in Pursuing a Career in Business
Jennings believes his theology degree has helped him to run a $20 billion venture capital firm more than any business degree would have.
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Matt Shapiro Talks Journey from Political Science to Google
Google’s “20 percent project” lets employees explore future roles for themselves in the company.