Layla Aboukhater, MCAS ’18, a student from Syria, said the situation was bad for Syrian refugees even before Trump’s order.
BC Focuses on ‘Pockets of Support’ to Deal With Income Gap
Sociology professor Eve Spangler said she hasn’t seen significant changes in the budgets she has her students make in Inequality in America.
Leahy, Senior Admin Issue Statement on Trump’s Executive Order
In tandem with Executive Vice President Michael Lochhead and Provost David Quigley, Boston College president Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J. issued a statement late Sunday night condemning President Donald Trump’s executive order banning the entry of refugees from seven Muslim-majority nations.
Reported Sexual Assaults Rose Slightly in 2015, As Expected
The increase is expected as BC focuses its efforts on education and resources for survivors to report.
CJBC Talks Trump, Encourages BC to Divest at Post-Inauguration Walkout
The event, CJBC’s first of the semester, was at times highly critical of the administration’s position on divestment.
Seeking Bigger Turnout, UCS Will Hold Bias and Isms Panel Tuesday
UCS’s panel before Winter Break had to compete with the Christmas Tree Lighting for attendees.
About 100 Beds Empty in 2000 Comm. Ave., ResLife Says
It’s unclear how many of the spaces will be filled after the housing freeze is lifted and students are allowed to move.
New York Times Published Study Has BC Among Nation’s Wealthiest
The Upshot, a data and analytics blog run by The New York Times, published a study on Wednesday night that maps financial data at American colleges and universities. Boston College students reportedly have a median family income of $194,100, ranking 21st out of 65 elite colleges, and 70 percent of students come from the top…
UGBC to Hold Special Election for Vacant Student Assembly Seats
Vacancies in the Student Assembly are usually filled by appointment.
AADS to Fill Three New Core Faculty Positions
The hirings will give the program the opportunity to explore becoming a major down the line.