Ahead of Own It Summit, alumna Rollauer discusses her circuitous business career path.
A Crisis Of Confidence In The Crusade Against Sexual Assault At BC
Column: Low female self-confidence levels and the ideal of perfectionism related to reticence on sexual assault.
The Ladder To The Top: O’Terry To Broadcast Message Of Perseverance At Own It
Editor’s note: In April of 2014, Georgetown University brought together over 30 nationally reputable speakers and 400 attendees through its inaugural OWN IT Summit, a series of events aimed to inspire and provide networking opportunities for college-age women. On March 29, the University will host the Summit in Chestnut Hill through co-sponsors the Undergraduate Government…
Insights For The Soul (Or At Least How To Survive This Week)
A guide to surviving the next five days as cabin fever meets spring fervor.
Mind Over Matter: Cassidy Gallegos Razes Stigma To Raise Conversation
A champion for mental health awareness, Cassidy Gallegos takes on the upcoming UGBC presidential election.
‘#LikeABoy’ Twitter Reaction To #LikeAGirl Verifies Ad’s Societal Relevance
The negative, “meninist” response that quickly followed the Super Bowl’s airing of Always’ one-minute, #LikeAGirl commercial exposes the utter gravity of the movement—and of feminism in general.
Heights Through The Century: Integration And Inclusion At BC
‘The Heights’ revisits BC’s long road to integration, profiling the University’s shift from an all-white institution to a more diverse community.
A Winter Survival Guide: ‘Corinsight’ On How To Thrive In 2015
A collection on insights on surviving harsh winter in Chestnut Hill, and how to best navigate winter spaces like Fuel, the Chocolate Bar, and the Plex.
‘The Happiness Project’ Arrives At BC This Week
UGBC and the Office of Health Promotion bring “The Happiness Project” to Boston College with the goal of promoting a “science” of happiness on campus.
Professor Profile: Thomas Kaplan-Maxfield
Kaplan-Maxfield, professor within the English department at Boston College, relies on wit and humor in the classroom.