By: Daniel Perea-Kane
The study of French language and culture has a long and distinguished history at Boston College.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
The study of French language and culture has a long and distinguished history at Boston College.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
The film Gattaca provided the jumping-off point for Director of the Institute for Arts and Humanities at Pennsylvania State University Michael Berube’s lecture on bioethics, part of the Lowell Humanities Series, last Wednesday night.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
The Coral Gardens Incident, the Green Bay Massacre, and the extradition of Christopher Coke are just some of the violent political incidents that have occurred in Jamaica over the last half-century.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
Boston College Republicans and Democrats found little common ground last night in a debate sponsored by the BC chapter of No Labels, a national non-partisan organization dedicated to creating change in American government.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
The Boston College Symphony Orchestra enlivened a cold, wintery afternoon yesterday with an early 20th-century piece by Jean Sibelius.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
Regine Jean-Charles, a Haitian-American professor in the romance languages and literatures department, uses culture and language to create an inviting forum in which to discuss gender and other issues.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
Rev. William B. Neenan, S.J. told students Tuesday night that they are on third base right now not because they hit a triple, but because they were born there.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
Boston College professors Andrew Hargreaves and Marilyn Cochran-Smith were recently listed on a ranking of the top 200 university-based education scholars based on public influence.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
Boston College professors Andrew Hargreaves and Marilyn Cochran-Smith were recently listed on a ranking of the top 200 university-based education scholars based on public influence.
By: Daniel Perea-Kane
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a significant impact on both students and faculty at BC, from his assassination to the present day.