“Congratulations! You have been accepted to Boston College!”
Opinions, Column

“Congratulations! You have been accepted to Boston College!”

We’ve all received this statement in one form or another—the one following a cryptic email telling you to check your student portal because an update has been made. An update that holds so much promise and potential, shaping your future from that moment on. It’s often opened during senior year of high school—but it can also be opened your freshman, sophomore, or junior year of college. A time when life didn’t exactly go as planned.

Ending Burnout: The Power of the Two-Week Plan
Opinions, Column

Ending Burnout: The Power of the Two-Week Plan

Picture this: you spend your whole week leading up to this moment, the one where you finally have a homework-free weekend. Everything sounds good, in theory. I mean, you finished all your weekly quizzes, submitted that one terrible essay a few minutes before midnight, and now find yourself anticipating an amazing Saturday—the one where you are free from the week’s burdens and everything it encompasses. Now, waking up that Saturday morning and realizing you can spend it doing whatever you want. You feel absolute happiness. This, however, could not be further from the truth. 

Saving Instagram, One Swipe at a Time
Opinions, Column

Saving Instagram, One Swipe at a Time

You’ve probably read a dozen articles like this before: “Instagram linked to depression,” “Social media leads to decline in self-esteem,” “Snapchat crushes your soul”—each and every one being more dire than the last. And they usually end with “DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA NOW!” What they fail to recognize is how unrealistic those expectations are, especially as a college student.