Jack Goldman was the news editor from August 2018 to April 2019. He was a copy editor before that despite his rampant illiteracy. He was once hung up on by Mary Ann's. Don't follow him on Twitter @the_manofgold.

BCPD Issues Bulletin Concerning Lake St. Incidents
Off Campus, Top Story, News

BCPD Issues Bulletin Concerning Lake St. Incidents

The Boston College Police Department issued a Community Awareness Bulletin this morning concerning two incidents of a victim being “inappropriately touched” while walking down Lake Street. The most recent incident occurred at approximately 10 p.m. by Rogers Park, which is located next to the intersection of Lake Street and Washington Street in Brighton.

BC Dining Clarifies Late Night Details, Meets with UGBC
Top Story, On Campus, News

BC Dining Clarifies Late Night Details, Meets with UGBC

In an email sent Thursday afternoon, Boston College Dining Services confirmed that weekend Late Night dining hours on Lower Campus would be 9 p.m. to 2 a.m at Addie’s Loft. The email also officially announced that mozzarella sticks and chicken tenders, old staples of previous years’ Late Night dining menus, would be returning to the current menu on weekends. Those items returned to the weekend menu last week.

“BC After Hours” Initiative to Extend Hours in Maloney, Co Ro Cafe, Open 300 Hammond Pond
Top Story, News, On Campus

“BC After Hours” Initiative to Extend Hours in Maloney, Co Ro Cafe, Open 300 Hammond Pond

Boston College is launching an initiative entitled “BC After Hours” that will concentrate on providing late night locations and resources to students, according to a University press release. Notable additions to spaces being rolled out as a part of the initiative are an intramural sports field at the Harrington Athletics Village on Brighton Campus, extended food service options and hours, and new rehearsal spaces at 300 Hammond Pond Parkway.

Cardinal O’Malley a Part of U.S. Delegation Meeting with Pope Francis

Cardinal O’Malley a Part of U.S. Delegation Meeting with Pope Francis

Pope Francis has summoned Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Archbishop José Gomez, Cardinal Seán O’Malley, and Monsignor Brian Bransfield to the Vatican for a meeting concerning the recent grand jury report detailing sexual abuse allegations against former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, according to America magazine, a Jesuit publication. O’Malley’s inclusion is notable—he leads the Vatican’s commission for the protection of young people, is the archbishop of Boston, and often attends Boston College’s commencement exercises.

BCPD Chief Bill Evans Settles Into New Position
News, Top Story, Administration

BCPD Chief Bill Evans Settles Into New Position

Entering his fourth week on the job after taking over for the now-retired chief John King, Evans is beginning to settle into his routine at his home in BCPD command. His walls are adorned with countless medals from his various escapades during his over 30 years of service to the Boston Police Department, right down to the many different literal hats he wore over his tenure, which led to a five-year stint as commissioner.

Disgraced Organist Will No Longer Have Presence at University
News, Off Campus, Featured Story

Disgraced Organist Will No Longer Have Presence at University

After sexual abuse allegations were leveled against James David Christie in a Boston Globe investigation, a former artist-in-residence at the College of the Holy Cross and professor of organ at Oberlin College, organizations in the Boston area have been cutting ties with the organist the Globe described as “one of the greatest organists of his generation.” Christie has performed at the Boston College since at least 1989.

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