After working as a CEO, a Chilean governor, and a lawyer—while taking time to climb Mount Everest—Juan Montes started teaching at the Carroll School of Management in the practice, management, and organization department.
Legal Eagle: Miriam George Fights Injustice All the Way to Capitol Hill
After witnessing discrimination during her childhood, Miriam George has pursued justice for those hurt by it.
How Juice Became the Band of Boston College
From Duchesne East to the Big Apple, Juice has paved the way for future artists at BC.
McNellis Examines ‘Hookup Culture’ Through Jesuit Lense
McNellis is mainly concerned with the vagueness of the term “hookup,” the assumptions people make when hooking up, and how men shouldn’t take advantage of women in this manner.
Singing Like His Life Depends on It
Nizar Fares continues to return to the middle east to visit refugee camps and offer support.
Meet Your Bagel With Harvard Based Startup
After observing their friends struggle with the modern dating world, the three Harvard-based Kang sisters developed Coffee Meets Bagel– a dating application that has since spread across the globe.
Faculty Arts Show Transcends Professional Labels with Paint, Photos, and Etching
Through fading colors, vibrant collages, and multidimensional crafts, the Faculty Art Show amalgamates the best of BC’s staff’s often overlooked artistic side.
Students Celebrate Diverse Heritages at ‘Tales From the Trails’
“Tales From the Trails” was the first event of AHANA Acronym Week.