Isabella Pieretti (she/her) was the Podcast Editor forThe Heightsin 2023. In 2022, she served as Copy Chief. She is from Weston, Mass. You can contact her

Don’t Flip Me Off, Flip It Around
Column, Opinions

Don’t Flip Me Off, Flip It Around

At the beginning of the school year, I felt lost. I needed to completely rearrange my classes, apply to jobs I was uncertain about, rediscover my place at Boston College after six months abroad, make amends with someone, and spend time with the friends I love while also trying to meet new people.

An Exercise in Joy
Column, Opinions

An Exercise in Joy

Yesterday a friend said, “I have to become ‘adult me.’ I’ll never be this way again.” I rushed to say, “You’re still you though!” If we see graduating and whatever comes after that as the end of who we are, we do ourselves a disservice. I would hate to see my life peak at 21 years old. Wouldn’t you?

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