In the penultimate chapter of The Mursday Effect, our heroes face the end of all things and the group is separated by a savior trope and a romantic interlude.
The Mursday Effect Chapter 9: Saved by Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Two sides of the Mursday contingent convene in Nova Scotia, leading up to the mystery humor serial’s conclusion.
The Mursday Effect Chapter 7: On the Road Again (Kind Of)
Our heroes finally venture out of Boston and make it to Nova Scotia, stealing a boat and defacing a welcome sign in the process.
The Mursday Effect Chapter 5: Dealing With Difficult People
Joanna Oxford continues her tale of an audacious gentleman, a Krav Maga expert, and two men competing for most annoying in the history of The Mursday Effect.
News, Featured Story, Features
The Mursday Effect Chapter 1: The World is Strange Here
Putting Monday classes on a Thursday due to snow days leaves a BC freshman questioning his sanity in a humorous mystery serial.