Ball and Buck offers a unique retail experience that includes ‘Made in America’ garments, crowdfunded products, and even a full-service barbershop at the rear of the store. This is all part of the company’s ethos around supporting local commerce.
Diversifying Our Sources of News
“My cynicism has driven me to become a more pragmatic consumer of information, and by incorporating these contrasts into my media experience I am able to process it in such a way that does not become paralyzing.”
Coming Full Circle on Campus
“I’m back to living on main again, but now I have found myself going back to these old spots in a way that I never did sophomore year.”
Exploring My Love for Maps
“Little things growing up can have a seemingly disproportionate impact on one’s academic career later in life.”
Code-Switching Through Classes
“In reality, people have to code-switch every day, and practicing as an undergraduate is more of an asset than many come to realize.”
Recognizing the Opportunity of Abroad
“Taking a class about my home country from the perspective of another culture, albeit a culture very similar to that of the U.S., proved to be an intense learning experience.”
Interpreting the Language of BC
“What used to be a seemingly innocuous slogan carries the weight of a campus movement.”
Answering Public Diplomacy 2.0’s Call
“American Boston College students, whether they like it or not, represent the U.S. while they study abroad.”
Embracing the Legacy of My Siblings
“At a school of over 9,000 undergraduate students and over 200 organizations, my siblings’ and my paths have overlapped at different points in time, and this has made my experience here richer.”
Asking Questions of Ourselves
“This has left me questioning whether I have changed fundamentally, or whether those around me have influenced the way I perceive myself. We like to paint ourselves as the drivers of our own experiences, but uncontrollable circumstances often shape our perceptions.”