The chess match between China and the U.S. is far from over, and India should be perceived as a rook in the middle of the board, undecided on its allegiance. Maybe the answer does not lie in picking a side and falling into the depths of this zero-sum game, but in building a stable economy that allows India to reclaim as much independence as possible from this chess game.
Why Washington Needs to Adopt a Containment Strategy to Protect the U.S. Dollar’s Hegemony
The Bretton Woods Agreement, which followed the Allies’ victory over the Nazis, established new international monetary systems, placing the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
Colleges Need to Change Their Idea of Success
Colleges must remodel their admissions models by considering all factors of student potential. I am not arguing that the traditional standardized tests and grading scales should be thrown out, but it would be extremely beneficial for academic institutions to advertise metrics besides the classic ones like acceptance rates.
Why We Should Understand the Enemies of the Western World
The grand strategy of the world chessboard shifts and changes every day with the development of new interests and political campaigns. It’s foolish to dismiss attempts to understand fellow players because of a supposed moral high ground.
Control Over Chaos: Why AI Needs to be Implemented Inside the Classroom
AI is part of a broader goal to expand the limits of the world we live in, not contract them. The AI question is centered around control of reality, because this new program isn’t leaving this world anytime soon.