Julia Remick (she/her) is the former Digital Director of The Heights in 2022. She was formerly the Metro Editor in 2021 and 2020. You can reach her at at julia.remick@bcheights.com and follow her on Twitter @juliaremickk.

News, Featured Story

UGBC Unveils Mental Health Initiatives

Throughout this semester, the Undergraduate Government of Boston College has been working on a series of new initiatives aimed at expanding access to mental health resources on campus. Members of UGBC’s executive and legislative branches have also worked to market existing resources to the student body.

Features, The T, Metro

The Voice of the T

If you have ever ridden the T, you would recognize his voice. It’s featured in announcements like “entering Government Center” and “change here for the Green Line” on the subways throughout the T system. It has reassured frantic passengers about everything from the name of the approaching stop to important safety messages since 1995.  And…

Newton Drafts Climate Action Plan
Metro, Newton

Newton Drafts Climate Action Plan

Newton has set itself on a track to be carbon neutral by 2050. The city drafted a five-year Climate Action Plan in August with the motto, “use less, green the rest.”  The residents of Newton feel that they are already experiencing the effects of climate change, such as frequent flooding and hot days. The City…

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