Julie Orenstein was a Heights editor for three long years that still somehow went by too quickly. She can be found singing in inopportune places, playing sports badly, eating grilled cheese, or just talking at anything that will listen.

Person Of The Year

Momentum Award: Robin Fleming

While field archaeologists dig and lab rats perform scientific analyses, Fleming—whether foraging through filthy and disorganized storerooms or lecturing in a classroom at Boston College-is fleshing out the stories that unearthed materials alone can’t tell.

News, On Campus

2014-15 UGBC Board Inaugurated

The Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) inauguration marked the end of an administration that has faced the challenge of a shifting structure and ushered in a new group of leaders who will be tasked with implementing the organization’s transformed role.


Schor To Be Awarded By ASA For Research

By: Julie Orenstein

The American Sociological Association (ASA) has recognized Boston College professor of sociology and best-selling author Juliet Schor as the recipient of this year’s Public Understanding of Sociology Award.


BC Students Stand Against Sweatshops

By: Julie Orenstein

Although thousands of miles and drastically different lifestyles separate them, college students across the U.S. are pledging to stand in solidarity with factory workers in Bangladesh, where poor working conditions threaten their lives daily.


Kuznick, Stone Defend History Documentary

Two prominent commentators on American political and cultural issues, particularly those pertaining to war, visited Boston College on Saturday to discuss the rise of the American empire and national security state under the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.

On Campus, News

Plex Concert Sees Spike In Transports

By: Julie Orenstein

According to information released by BCPD in its public blotter, there were seven medical transports from the Flynn Recreation Complex on the night of the Plexapalooza concert hosted by the Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) this past weekend.

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