“The most important thing that I’ve learned at GrubStreet is that you can be inspired by anyone.”
Overcoming the Fear of Writing
“In truth, writing should not be a source of fear. Though it might seem daunting, taking a creative writing class at BC can help alleviate this fear.”
Overcoming Our Fear of Abroad
“Studying, volunteering, and teaching abroad—these are the activities that students should engage in to transcend the vices that plague society, and to help usher in a greater sense of global humanity.”
Making Appa More Than a Trip
“I urge everyone who has been on an Appa trip or is going for the first time this Spring Break to not return self-satisfied.”
Rethinking the Bubble
“After all, we are just passengers together on this wild, four-year-long train ride. Why not make the most of it?”
A New Definition of Diversity
“I believe that the University and students alike should also posses a true understanding of what it means to be a diverse campus.”
My Major Is Not My Shell
“It was as if someone had cracked open a geode and revealed the glittering layers of crystals within it. As I stood inside the building, marveling at the sunlight filtering through the glass waterfall, I felt as if something had cracked within me as well.”
Miles Between Me and My Culture
“Over the course of my first semester at BC, I felt this intense desire to make up for the sheer amount of self-loathing and discrimination that I had buried within myself for so long.”
The Vagina Monologues and the Importance of an Open Conversation
I realized that these sorts of open conversations are the ones that are necessary for discussing sensitive issues regarding sexuality at BC.
Celebrating and Saving the Arts
The spirit within the BC community for athletics is admirable, scarily impressive, and it is one thing I hope for in the arts at BC. The arts community consists of talented and creative individuals who move tirelessly, going through the motions without celebrating each other properly. While athletics are deeply rooted in BC’s culture, the arts consist of pockets of talented individuals, disconnected and hopefully yearning for the BC community to rally behind their achievements as well.