What Fantasy Means to Me
Opinions, Column

What Fantasy Means to Me

I have read The Hobbit so many times that I lost count of the rereads sometime around eighth grade. Even though I never use this as my fun-fact icebreaker (for fear of coming off a bit too nerdy a bit too soon), it is without a doubt my favorite truth about myself. 

Why Aren’t Men Reading?
Opinions, Column

Why Aren’t Men Reading?

“What are your hobbies?” For pretty much my entire life, my answer to the classic icebreaker has been reading. It’s been one of my only reliable means of relaxation for as long as I can remember—the collection of books spilling off my shelves can attest as much.

Protest and Complacency at BC
Opinions, Column

Protest and Complacency at BC

So, in this time of strife and action, why does it often feel like Boston College is incapable of taking action? In my experience, students here seem to believe there are many culprits to our problem of indifference—usually those with opposing viewpoints. And both sides point a finger at cancel culture.