Members of the Queer Leadership Council (QLC) set out tea-light candles next to pictures of transgender people killed by anti-trans violence, holding a moment of silence in their honor. QLC hosted the vigil in Gasson 100 on Transgender Day of Remembrance—observed annually on Nov. 20—to honor people who died as a result of anti-trans violence over the past year.
Expanding BC: A Look Inside Mount Alvernia and Brookline Campus
Over the past three years, Boston College has purchased two new properties, Mount Alvernia High School and Pine Manor College, to expand its educational and administrative resources. Heights editors got an inside look at the new campuses.
Former Professor Sues BC for Sex and Pregnancy Discrimination
A former Boston College professor is suing the University, alleging she faced gender discrimination in her tenure application process that occurred while she took maternity leave.
Angelo Discusses His Fight Against “Woke Culture” With New Tolerance Campaign
Gregory Angelo, BC ’00, spoke at a Boston College Republicans event on Wednesday. He discussed his time as president of Log Cabin Republicans—a U.S. organization that represents gay Republicans and their allies—and his current role as president of the New Tolerance Campaign, which pushes against institutions that betray their own stated values, according to Angelo.
“More Fair and Equitable”: BC Implements New Class Registration System
Boston College is switching to a one-day course registration period for each class year, according to an email University Registrar Bryan Jones and the academic services team sent to students on Thursday morning.
MCAS Senior Discernment Series Utilizes Reflection to Explore the BC Experience
Boston College launched a six-week senior discernment series this semester that aims to encourage students to reflect upon their time at BC and prepare them for life after graduation, according to Tom Mogan, the facilitator of the series.
Leahy Addresses Hamas Attacks on Israel in Email to BC Community
University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J., sent an email to the BC community on Friday addressing Hamas’ recent attacks on Israel.
BCSSW Receives $2.5 Million Grant to Fund Behavioral Health Internship Program
The Boston College School of Social Work (BCSSW) received a two-year, $2.5 million grant from the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health to fund its Behavioral Health Paid Internship Program (BHPIP).
BC Announces $3 Billion Fundraising Campaign
Boston College announced the largest fundraising campaign in its history on Thursday. “Soaring Higher: The Campaign for Boston College” is a $3 billion initiative to raise money for BC academics, financial aid, and student life, according to a University release.
Class of 2024 Feedback Form Solicits Student Input for Proposed Senior Events
Boston College seniors received an email on Sunday morning titled “Class of 2024 Let’s Celebrate You,” prompting them to provide feedback on proposed additional senior class events.