Lucy Freeman (she/her) is the Projects Editor for The Heights. In 2024, she served as the News Editor and in 2023, she was an Assistant News Editor. She is from Winchester, Mass. You can contact her

Angelo Discusses His Fight Against “Woke Culture” With New Tolerance Campaign
On Campus, News

Angelo Discusses His Fight Against “Woke Culture” With New Tolerance Campaign

Gregory Angelo, BC ’00, spoke at a Boston College Republicans event on Wednesday. He discussed his time as president of Log Cabin Republicans—a U.S. organization that represents gay Republicans and their allies—and his current role as president of the New Tolerance Campaign, which pushes against institutions that betray their own stated values, according to Angelo.

BC Celebrates Community at Annual Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month Kickoff
News, On Campus

BC Celebrates Community at Annual Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month Kickoff

Silence filled a crowded room in Gasson Hall on Friday night as colorful flags and golden balloons lined the front of the room. Students and faculty bowed their heads as Yvonne McBarnett, director of the Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center (BAIC), led a prayer to begin the Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month celebration. McBarnett’s prayer kicked off a lineup of speakers and performances to commemorate the first day of Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month, which is celebrated each year from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.

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