Residents of all four floors of Williams Hall received emails from their resident director (RD) Saturday morning informing them that their resident assistants (RAs) would not be returning for the spring semester.
New Major Looks At Public Health Through “a Social Justice Lens”
Boston College’s new global public health and the common good major will aim to prepare future graduates for the social justice issues they may face throughout their careers, according to Summer Sherburne Hawkins.
“We Put on Boots and Ran”: Flood Seeps Through Duchesne East Hallway
Tyler Murray donned a pair of boots and grabbed a garbage pail as he rushed into the flooding first-floor bathroom of Duchesne East on Tuesday night.
Carole Hughes Awarded for Work in Student Affairs
Director of Graduate Student Life Carole Hughes was named a Pillar of the Profession by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), according to a University release.
BC Adds New Major in Global Public Health and the Common Good
Boston College will offer a new major in global public health and the common good administered by the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society and the Connell School of Nursing, according to a University release.
Residents Celebrate Community and Tradition at Ninth Annual Newton Turkey Trot
The organizer of this year’s Turkey Trot dedicated the race to Tim O’Brien, a founder of the race who died from a heart attack last year.
‘Smashing Success’: Newton Residents Fling Pumpkins at Annual Composting Event
A large catapult was a fan-favorite way to launch the pumpkins, but residents also flung the gourds at a target or a tarp on the grounds.
‘It Is Not Too Late to Change Course’: NYT International Climate Correspondent Urges Climate Action
The Russian war in Ukraine is pivotal to the future of combating climate change, according to The New York Times’ International Climate Correspondent Somini Sengupta.
The Interconnectedness of the Dobbs Decision and Substantive Due Process: A Discussion with Professor James Fleming
The Center for Human Rights and International Justice hosted the Wednesday panel at Boston College Law School, which focused on Fleming’s most recent book, Constructing Basic Liberties: A Defense of Substantive Due Process, as well as the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision.
BC Prepares for Homecoming Weekend, Introduces Court and New Spirit Week Format
Boston College is completely transforming homecoming weekend, announcing its first homecoming court and themed spirit week to celebrate BC and revamp its traditions.