All residential students are required to sign the addendum, which limits guests allowed in living units and prohibits all unapproved social gatherings.
BC Tells Students to Pack Lightly for Fall, Limit Travel
Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore sent a letter to Boston College students and parents on Monday with more details for the fall semester.
BC Voices Support for Supreme Court Decision Upholding DACA
“Over the years, DACA students have enriched our campus through their presence, and we hope they will continue to do so in the years to come,” Dunn said.
BC Cancels All Fall 2020 Study Abroad Programs
Boston College has canceled all study abroad programs for the Fall 2020 semester. Students can request to be placed on a waitlist for a Spring 2021 program.
BC Releases Guide for Resuming Work on Campus
Boston College released a guide to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 among faculty and staff as they resume work on campus.
Governor Baker Announces Plan to Reopen Massachusetts
Mass. Governor Charlie Baker released a four-phase plan for reopening the state, including specifics for the reopening of institutions of higher education.
Bruce Springsteen to Speak at Freshman Convocation
Bruce Springsteen, author of the memoir Born to Run, will address the Class of 2024 at the First Year Academic Convocation on Sept. 10 in Conte Forum.
OIP to Move Forward With Fall 2020 Study Abroad Programs
The Office of International Programs is planning to move forward with its scheduled programs for the Fall 2020 semester, according to an email sent to students enrolled in the fall programs.
With Federal Funds Depleted, BC Says it Won’t Pay Students Unable to Work
The DOE is allowing universities to keep paying Federal Work-Study students unable to work due to COVID-19, but many BC students remain without a paycheck.
Petition Calls For BC to Hold In-Person Commencement
In the four days following the announcement that Boston College would be moving online for the semester, seniors wrapped up their time on campus by cramming in final Mod parties and barbecues, watching the sunrise at the reservoir, and saying their final goodbyes to some of their classmates. One event that was absent from the…