Finding an off-campus place to call home can be a struggle when you get down to the wire. But in the end, can’t anything become a home with a little effort?
An Everyday Encounter With Kusama’s Infinity
The Hirshhorn’s Yayio Kusama: Infinity Mirrors Exhibit promises visitors an encounter with infinity. They might get a bit more than they bargained for with the lines inside, and that might not be such a bad thing.
Alternative Space Provides Musicians With Practice Rooms
Boston City officials hope to confront issues faced by artists through the Alternative Space Project, a plan to connect artists struggling to find work space with local businesses and institutions.
Seeing the City Through a Different Set of Eyes
People tend to live in the world of their own likes, and their own dislikes. But letting someone into that world, and showing them your passions means inviting in rejection—and that can be scary.
Consider Saying Hello
Opening up to those around you might seem exhausting once second semester hits. Thankfully, a mural in Allston reminders viewers of what it important.
Finding the Right Illusion With the Scarlett O’Hara House
Even in a world when facts are more important than ever, treasuring our illusions is equally essential. Illusions like the Scarlett O’Hara House.
MIT Grads Merge Athletic Comfort With Professional Wear
Founded by three graduates from MIT, the Ministry of Supply fashion-startup provides customers with professional-wear that feels like workout clothes.
Boston’s Love Locks and the Complicated Question of Copying
Boston has its own love lock bridge, an idea borrowed from the famous Ponts Des Arts in Paris. So maybe being a copycat isn’t such a bad idea after all.
City Councilors Discuss Newton’s Sanctuary City Status
“We are not in the business of picking people up for immigration violations … end of story,” said one councilor.
Following Super Bowl Victory, Bostonians Celebrate
After the Patriot’s history Super Bowl victory on Sunday night the Boston streets filled with joyful fans. At 11 a.m. on Tuesday, the streets will fill with the same fans again for the celebratory duck boat parade beginning in Back Back.