Slowing Your Way Out of the Junior Slump
Column, Opinions

Slowing Your Way Out of the Junior Slump

After two years of existing as a clueless underclassman who can’t tell Stokes North from Stokes South, upperclassman-ship is finally upon me. The glitz and glamor of being a junior is nice, but nobody talks about the instantaneous rush of stress that comes with planning life after college.

The Sophomore Condition
Opinions, Column

The Sophomore Condition

People change. That’s a big part of what college is for: self-development and personality exploration. These are the years we decide who we want to be, and more practically, who we are going to be.

New Month’s Resolutions?
Opinions, Column

New Month’s Resolutions?

A new year equals a unique opportunity … to not follow through with our goals. The Plex might be packed for the month of January, sure. But when the clock struck 12 on this month of insincere promises, we all disappeared from the Plex and turned back into pumpkins.

It’s OK to be Angry
Opinions, Column

It’s OK to be Angry

I am always angry, but I will never tell anyone that out loud. Anger is the emotion we feel ashamed to have. I don’t know about anyone else, but I cannot express anger well. I have been taught that anger is an unproductive emotion, so it’s better just to tuck it away in what my family calls “a box” and just let it fade. As it sounds, this is more unproductive than anger itself.

A Critique of Sophomores (From a Sophomore)
Opinions, Column

A Critique of Sophomores (From a Sophomore)

After only a year on this campus, I feel that most of the sophomores see themselves as too good for any “adventure.” Everything feels below them, in the bluntest way possible. The rose-colored lens that covered freshman year has been ripped off our faces, and now we are confronted with the realities of college life: the routines.

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