Mary Rose Fissinger served as the Asst. Layout Editor, the Opinions Editor, and then the Special Projects Editor from 2012-2014. She is a coffee, running, and math enthusiast who responds to the name of "MRF" (pronounced "merf").

News, Administration

BC Evaluates Sexual Assault Resources In Light of White House Report

By: Mary Rose Fissinger

The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault released a report on Tuesday aimed at helping colleges and universities address, respond to, and prevent sexual assault on campus. The report includes guidelines for how these institutions can identify the climate surrounding sexual violence on their campuses, employ prevention programs, ensure that victims get the support they need, and investigate crimes.

News, Administration

University Advances Master Plan

By: Mary Rose Fissinger

Less than a year and a half after the opening of Stokes Hall, the memory of daily encounters with the towering skeleton of the halfway-constructed home to the humanities is fading, and with it, chatter about BC’s Master Plan and what it holds for future classes is becoming a rarity.

News, On Campus

Career Center Settles On New Director

By: Mary Rose Fissinger

Nearly two years after the departure of the last Career Center director, career services at Boston College can claim a new commander. Joseph Du Pont, Esq. joins BC from Brandeis University, where he worked since 2007 to expand the reach and capabilities of their Hiatt Career Center. 

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