“In a world dictated by safe spaces and trigger warnings, it isn’t difficult to imagine how we might lose the courage to confront our mistakes and thereby lose the crucial opportunity to learn from them.”
Not Your President?
“I resolved to abide the outcome of the election whichever way it went, and in this way, some part of me understands the protestors’ frustrations.”
The Wrong Way to Legalize Marijuana
“Supporting Question 4 on the principles of freedom and responsibility of choice was my intent, but after some research I don’t believe this ballot question presents the right path.”
Considering Catholic Education
“Question 2 will decide the direction of the Massachusetts public school system, but it won’t clear that waiting list and it won’t be a salve for the misgivings of many toward their district schools. I hope all these families remember there is a third and worthwhile option worth investigating.”
Keeping Public Transportation Public
“Every day these hardworking people continue bailing out a ship that has been taking on water for years.”
Gary Johnson and the Future of Third Parties
“I fear that Johnson’s flub may have damaged the respectability of third-party candidates not only in this race, but moving forward.”
Moving Past the Prejudice in Our City
“When we allow our fears and prejudices to insulate or divide us, we lose some critical part of what makes us human.”
Saving the Original BC
“Industry and necessity gutted the innards of BC’s humble original campus.”
A Shaky Line Between Fair and Unfair Insults
“I would never deny that the perpetrators of this chant should have been punished and forced to apologize, but Newton North never had to apologize for its chants.”
The Opioid Crisis: A T Ride Away
“Massachusetts has a sickness. The Commonwealth finds itself slowly succumbing to a drug epidemic that seems to have no end in sight.”