"Michelle Tomassi is a senior at Boston College and a former editor for The Heights. She can often be found people-watching in the Chocolate Bar, so stop by and visit her (and maybe even share a big cookie)."

Column, Off Campus, Arts

Surprising Sights Of The Marathon

By: Michelle Tomassi

From taking a selfie with a runner to seeing Team Hoyt in person, the unexpected experiences of the Boston Marathon will remain engrained in my memory. They will be a reminder of how Bostonians were able to push past any fear, and cross the finish line with strength and gratitude.

Arts, Column

Because I’m Happy: Planning Your Senior Year

By: Michelle Tomassi

It’s easy to tell someone to do what makes her happy, but the truth is that there is more than one kind of happiness-the kind that comes from what you want to do, and that which comes from what you should do. Having no regrets is not my ultimate goal-rather, I’ll plan for my senior year without restricting myself to one kind of happiness.

Arts, Movies, Column

Losing The Magic Of A Franchise

With J.K. Rowling’s announcement of three more films, it seems as if authors keep expanding their stories until there are no secrets left. Readers and viewers are never satisfied with what writers have to offer, leading to unnecessary spin-offs.


Losing The Magic Of A Franchise

By: Michelle Tomassi

With J.K. Rowling’s announcement of three more films, it seems as if authors keep expanding their stories until there are no secrets left. Readers and viewers are never satisfied with what writers have to offer, leading to unnecessary spin-offs.

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