Opinions columnist Rachel Loos explains her personal qualms and concerns about the prospect of donating to Boston College after graduating.
Opinions, Column, Featured Column
Are You Going to Finish That Trash?
“Like I suspect many BC students have done before, I routinely steal food from the dining halls on campus. And recently, I have even begun eating food from the garbage.”
Opinions, Column
A Pair of Confusing Candidates
“We should look at the campaign of Batsinelas and Mancini as an example of how not to resolve cognitive dissonance.”
Opinions, Column
The Outdated “Dating Assignment”
“But to me, the ‘dating assignment’ reveals professors’ genuine misunderstanding of their students, and constitutes an overreach of the Jesuit style of education that emphasizes emotional growth along with intellectual.”
Opinions, Column, Featured Column
Recognizing Diversity in Mental Illness
“In removing the stigma around mental illness, we need to emphasize that all disorders deserve the same compassion and recognition.”