Amid the busyness of college life, when I’m juggling everything from class readings to group projects, club meetings, and job commitments, I find it challenging to hit the pause button. If you’re like me, you long to calm the storm for a few moments and soak in everyday’s ordinary moments.
Tips, Tips and Trends, Features
An Ode to the Rat: How to Make the Most of Your “Rat-tastic” Experience
I’m a “Rat” girl at heart. It’s my first stop on campus in the morning when I pick up hot water for my green tea everyday. I love sitting at a window table to scroll through my email or skim a reading for class.
Features, Tips and Trends, Tips
Finding Home Amid the Uncertainty: Tips on Navigating BC’s Housing Process
Where you call home does not define your BC experience—it is the people who make the place, the mentalities that make the ambience, and the memories that make it home.