Some low-income students have expressed dissatisfaction with BC’s move out exemption process and the way it has communicated with students.
BC Expands Pass/Fail, Extends Course Drop Date
Boston College has amended its academic policies with a more liberal pass/fail option and extended the deadlines for dropping and withdrawing from classes.
Petitions Call For LGBTQ+ Support, Gender-Neutral Housing
A petition calling for BC to support LGBTQ+ students has more than 1,000 signatures. Another calling on BC to implement a gender-neutral housing program has more than 200.
Koch Proposal No Longer Has Faculty Vote, Advisory Board Removed
The proposal for a security studies program, to be funded by the Charles Koch Foundation, has now been relabeled as a “project,” rather than a “program.”
BC Says Rumors of Coronavirus, Class Cancelations Are False
BC has denied reports that it has made the decision to move all classes online due to the novel coronavirus and said there are no cases of the virus at BC
BC Has Now Closed Italy, South Korea, China Abroad Programs
BC closed Italy and South Korea programs due to the coronavirus, citing government and CDC guidelines. Returning students are advised to self-quarantine.
Joe Biden Wins Massachusetts Democratic Primary Election
Joe Biden has won the Massachusetts Democratic primary election, just a day after the most recent polling showed him trailing Senator Bernie Sanders by 10 percentage points.
Warren Greets Supporters, Casts Vote in Cambridge
Senator Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic presidential candidate from Massachusetts, hosted a voting event at her local polling station on Super Tuesday.
BC Agrees to Conversations With Climate Justice
BC agreed to ongoing discussions with CJBC in response to its protest and list of demands, which called for fossil fuel divestment, among other actions.
Parma Study Abroad Canceled Due to Coronavirus
OIP has closed the BC in Parma study abroad programs due to the outbreak of coronavirus in Italy. Twenty-seven students remain in different cities in Italy.