A car crashed into the fence along the Green Line B Branch tracks near Gerald Street on Friday afternoon. All three people in the car were uninjured.
Ariel Cox, MCAS ’22, Critically Injured After Being Struck by Train
Ariel Cox, MCAS ’22, is in critical condition after being hit by a train on Friday, according to an email from Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore.
Update: Students Write Tributes to Wolfman After His Death
Neil Wolfman, a chemistry professor at Boston College, died on Wednesday, according to a family-run blog that provided updates on Wolfman’s health.
Petition Against Koch-Funded Program Circulates
A petition urging BC not to accept funding from the Koch Foundation that was signed by over 1,000 people was sent to administrators on Dec. 13.
Frates Celebrated in Funeral Mass
Family and friends of Pete Frates, BC ’07, in addition to other members of the BC community, gathered in St. Ignatius on Friday to celebrate Frates’ life.
Students Protest Controversial Speaker Andrew Klavan Outside BC Republicans Event
The BC Republicans-sponsored event began 15 minutes early, which shut out many of the students who had hoped to protest from inside.
Boston College Republicans to Host Speaker With History of Islamophobic Comments
Editor’s Note: Over 100 students gathered outside Andrew Klavan’s Tuesday night appearance to protest his lecture. Read our coverage of it here. Andrew Klavan, a popular conservative journalist and writer, will be coming to Boston College on Tuesday for a Boston College Republicans-sponsored event. Klavan often talks about Judeo-Christian identity in the West, and his…
BC Belfast Project Case Ends in Acquittal
Ivor Bell, a former Irish Republican Army (IRA) leader, was aquitted last week of the 1972 kidnapping and murder of Jean McConville, for which he was accused at least in part due to tapes recorded as part of a research project at Boston College. In a statement to The Heights, former IRA member Anthony McIntyre…
BC Law Aims to Reform Legal System in Uzbekistan
Boston College Law School began a partnership with Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL), the largest law school in Uzbekistan, in 2017 as part of the University’s plan for increased global engagement. Despite recent shakeups at the top of TSUL’s administration, BC Law is poised to continue its collaboration with the school. BC Law began…
Boisi Center Panelists Call for Increased Inclusivity, Accountability in the Church
Four speakers discussed expanding the role of marginalized groups and increasing accoutability in the Church at a Church in the 21st Century (C21) panel Tuesday.