“An adventure to Thriftland—aka Cambridge—is incomplete without stopping at a few of my must-visit shops and experiencing all the different patterns, fabrics, and colors thrifting has to offer. Need some inspiration to embark on your journey? You’ve come to the right place!”
Tips and Trends
Sticking With Self Care
“My favorite things about going on walks are that I get to listen to music and I get to venture off campus for a bit. For me, getting off campus in any capacity is a form of self-care—it is very easy to get overwhelmed by being wrapped up in everything that goes on in the “BC bubble,” and these walks down Comm Ave. usually help clear my head when needed.”
Tips and Trends
Music’s Role at BC Is More Than Background Noise
“Once you find what you actually like, you take more pride in it,” Bald said. “I found artists that speak to the bigger parts of my life, and others that also speak to my personal identity.”