The editorial board of The Heights is composed of a group of elected Heights editors. They are responsible for discussing and writing editorials, which represent the opinion of the newspaper.

Opinions, Editorials

Pagoda Project Exhibits Impressive Research Efforts

By: The Heights Editorial Board

After nearly two semesters of virtually searching the globe, a history class taught by Rev. Jeremy Clarke, S.J. and an art class taught by Sheila Gallagher have brought three formerly lost pagodas, of Shanghai origin, to Boston College. The classes’ work should serve as an example for other professor-student projects at BC because of its real-world applications.

Opinions, Editorials

BC Should Prepare For Possibility Of Unionization

By: The Heights Editorial Board

In a move that could potentially have a dramatic effect on Boston College athletics, a regional director of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in Chicago ruled last week that a group of scholarship football players at Northwestern University were employees of the institution, and that they therefore reserve the right to form a union and collectively bargain for rights.  Even if the chances of any unionization efforts by the athletes at BC are slim, the University and the athletic department need to be prepared for the possibility, while also making sure not to discourage the athletes from pursuing any options that might benefit them.

Opinions, Editorials

New Programming Board Needs Student Input

By: The Heights Editorial Board

When UGBC voted to split off its programming department, a committee was formed  to establish the form that the new Programming Board will take, as well as the guidelines under which it will operate. Since the committee began meeting at the beginning of this semester, it has made little quantifiable progress toward finalizing the structure of the new board, and has announced that it will push back its original April 1 deadline by two weeks.

Opinions, Editorials

University Must Improve Accessibility On Campus

By: The Heights Editorial Board

The issue of accessibility for students with disabilities has recently become much more visible on campus, after the art gallery in Bapst was closed a few weeks ago. One of Boston College’s strengths is its commitment to service, opportunity, and equal access, and it is crucial that the University works to uphold this much-vaunted principle in deed as well as word.

Opinions, Editorials

University Must Rethink Art Space On Campus

By: The Heights Editorial Board

The University has recently closed down the student art gallery in the basement of Bapst Library because it did not meet Massachusetts’ statutory requirement for handicap access. This closure exacerbates an already problematic situation on campus-the limited amount of space available on campus for students to display their artistic creations.

Opinions, Editorials

Students Should Respect Marathon Changes

The Campus School Volunteers of Boston College will not be permitted to maintain their long-standing tradition of participating in the marathon as bandit runners. As a result, the Campus School will host its own marathon on April 13, the week before the official Boston Marathon. The Campus School’s decision to host its own marathon to honor the hard work of its runners is wise and students should still support the runners.

Opinions, Editorials

Campus Voice Ought To Connect UGBC, Students

By: The Heights Editorial Board

UGBC relaunched Campus Voice, a website that provides a forum for students to create and support initiatives meant to improve the BC community, this week. his or her particular issue’s status through emails from UGBCWhile the site’s goals-including increased transparency, accountability, and dialogue between UGBC and the student body-are well intentioned, the execution of the site launch has been flawed so far.

Opinions, Editorials

Students Should Respect Marathon Changes

By: The Heights Editorial Board

The Campus School Volunteers of Boston College will not be permitted to maintain their long-standing tradition of participating in the marathon as bandit runners. As a result, the Campus School will host its own marathon on April 13, the week before the official Boston Marathon. The Campus School’s decision to host its own marathon to honor the hard work of its runners is wise and students should still support the runners.

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