The appointment of Rev. Jack Butler, S.J., as Boston College’s next president marks a critical turning point for the University. With only two presidents in the past 52 years, this transition offers a rare opportunity for BC to embrace change and growth. The Heights believes that Butler is well-positioned to be an effective University president and usher in a new era for BC.
There’s a Difference Between a Professor and a Graduate Assistant. BC Needs Clearer Course Listings.
The Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences falls short on transparency by failing to clearly disclose when graduate teaching assistants are teaching courses and leaving students in the dark about who is actually behind the lectern.
What ‘The Heights’ is Thankful For
I’m thankful for every bit of Mac 113—the navy-blue couches we inherited from Will’s childhood home, the bulky printer that malfunctions more often than not, and the string lights that Laboy hung up during our sophomore year. More importantly, I’m thankful for the office-goers I’ve spent hundreds of hours editing, arguing, and laughing with over the past three years.
BC Must Further Prioritize AI Learning Opportunities For Faculty Members
On Nov. 30, 2022, ChatGPT launched for the public, forever altering the academic landscape. The sudden, widespread accessibility of the platform presented University administrators with a series of unprecedented challenges: keeping up with this unpredictable technology, educating professors about the benefits and drawbacks of these platforms, and determining guidelines for the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education.
The Heights’ Recommendations for BC’s Next University President
An email from Boston College’s Presidential Search Committee invited members of the BC community to share their thoughts on the future of the University and what values it should look for in the institution’s prospective leader. The Heights’ editorial board, in response to the questions posed, believes the following considerations are necessary for the presidential search committee to recognize and use during its search.
Kiosks Kill Connection. Slow Your Roll, BC Dining.
Despite their shiny, high-tech exterior, the pervasion of checkout kiosks throughout several of Boston College’s on-campus eateries is creating congestion, discouraging human connection, and damaging these key communal spaces.
You Can Force the Triple, but You Can’t Fend Off the Trouble: BC’s Housing Crisis Is Now
Last month, 2,394 incoming Boston College freshmen received an email that revealed long-awaited housing decisions. Students anxiously logged into their housing portals, wondering whether they would be placed on Newton or Upper. Many, however, were in for a rude awakening when they found three names listed next to their room numbers rather than two.
BC Needs A Leader To Initiate a New Era—That Shouldn’t Have To Be a Jesuit
The Heights’ prescription for the upcoming presidential search is twofold: broaden the search beyond the Jesuit order and select a candidate who values transparency.
UGBC Has the Drive To Make Important Change, but Administrators Halt Progress
“What does UGBC even do?” You’ve probably heard someone ask this question. While student governments are established to advocate for student needs and create actionable policies, the Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) is a constant subject of jokes and slander.
Course Curriculum at BC Needs Greater Consistency and Oversight
When a student at Boston College takes a class to fulfill their core or major requirements, their only concerns should be about the class and its content—not which professor will guarantee them a less challenging curriculum.