It is clear from the amount of positive attention and interest the protest gathered that OLAA’s protest tactics worked very well.
Eradicate and UGBC Approach BC Race Issues Differently
Both of these protests addressed the same general issue but went about it in very different ways.
Interdisciplinary Program Looks To Bring Schools Together
“Managing for Social Impact” looks to bring the entire student body together.
A Better Gold Pass Requires Work With The Athletic Department
It’s not as easy to make men’s and women’s sports equal in the Gold Pass as one might think.
Why Gathering Together To Support Mizzou Matters
At “Blackout” rally, free speech and discussion come into clear view.
Film On BC Employees Opens Up World To Students
‘The impact of this lies in the fact that it showcases stories little known by students.’
Campus Posters Expanding Conversations On Sexual Assault
Taking to public space, the conversation on sexual assault on college campuses gets a new level of exposure.
BC Football Tailgating Survives Shea’s Decline
The end of a tailgating tradition didn’t necessarily means things were worse for students and alums this past football season.
Making The Gender Divide A Key Issue For Shea Center
As the Center looks to continue bringing prominent speakers to campus, the focus needs to be on the women who are changing the business world.
CWBC Brings More Female Speakers To Campus
The CWBC aims to shape the future of BC via engagement of women on campus.