A new program that would pair up student-athletes with wounded soldiers would find a place on BC’s campus.
Why The Campus School Needs More Help From The Student Body
The Campus School, suffering from a lack of funding, is in need of assistance and support from the student body.
Carney’s Art Gallery Should Be Utilized For Events
The renovated space in Carney should receive the programming it deserves through programming.
Lower’s Uninstalled Printers Are Wasted Money
It’s time for students to get what they paid for in Lower—printers.
Why The Form For Reporting Incident Bias Didn’t Work
Barely up long enough to collect any data at all, the form for students to report incident bias was removed from the Boston College website.
Bringing Coates’ Message Back To Boston College
Ta-Nehisi Coates’ talk presented stances on important issues that need to be reincorporated back on campus.
UGBC Connects Back To Students On Free Speech Issues
With the Free Expression Form and the Ten Student Service initiatives launched by UGBC this week, new discourse looks to be opened on the issue of free speech.
Mobilizing Boston College To Combat Mass Incarceration
A student-run group looks to bring the issue of mass incarceration under a spotlight on campus.
Constructive Opportunities Present With New Land Purchase
The 14 acres of undeveloped property that BC is about to purchase is valuable, both for the community of Newton, and for the educational opportunities that the land will bring.
Why Free Speech Issues Still Matter At Boston College
Another round of fliers dumped on BC’s campus stands as a reminder that issues with the topic of free speech still persist.