The editorial board of The Heights is composed of a group of elected Heights editors. They are responsible for discussing and writing editorials, which represent the opinion of the newspaper.

Members: Erin Flaherty, Will Martino, Sourabh Gokarn, Conor Richards, Luke Evans, Spencer Steppe, Connor Killgallon, Ella Song, Parker Leaf, Ava Sjursen, Genevieve Morrison, Makayla Hickey, Laney McAden.

‘The Heights’ Endorses Lubens Benjamin And Julia Spagnola for UGBC President And Vice President
Top Story, Editorials, Opinions

‘The Heights’ Endorses Lubens Benjamin And Julia Spagnola for UGBC President And Vice President

The Heights endorses candidates Lubens Benjamin, CSOM ’23, and Julia Spagnola, MCAS ʼ23, for 2022–23 Undergraduate Government of Boston College president and vice president.  After examining the teams’ policy platforms and holding hour-long meetings with each team, The Heights Editorial Board found that Benjamin and Spagnola are best equipped to effectively lead UGBC and bring…

If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It: An Open Letter to ResLife
Opinions, Editorials

If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It: An Open Letter to ResLife

The Office of Residential Life should implement more effective methods of communication during the housing selection process, including timely use of social media platforms, consistent instructions for registration and selection, and increased clarity surrounding any changes being made to the process.  Housing selection is a stressful time for Boston College students, and ResLife should play…

Boston College Should Provide More Support for Students with Learning Disabilities
Opinions, Editorials

Boston College Should Provide More Support for Students with Learning Disabilities

The Connors Family Learning Center (CFLC) at Boston College must clarify the requirements to receive learning accommodations and provide resources to help students through the process. There must also be greater collaboration between different resource centers on campus to help students with learning disabilities access accommodations and create a supportive learning network. It is necessary…

Boston College Athletics Should Prioritize School Pride Over Capital During Athletic Ticket Sales
Opinions, Editorials

Boston College Athletics Should Prioritize School Pride Over Capital During Athletic Ticket Sales

Boston College must correct the ticket purchasing process for popular and large athletic events to prevent inequitable ticketing practices and inflated prices. The current sale of tickets excludes some students, fosters a hostile resell environment, and undermines the camaraderie of students supporting BC’s sports teams.  In 2020, BC Athletics, a non-profit organization, made over $87…

Boston College Should Improve Course Registration Process on EagleApps
Opinions, Editorials

Boston College Should Improve Course Registration Process on EagleApps

Boston College should improve its course registration process by increasing communication with professors and students and ensuring EagleApps is updated with accurate course information. Students and faculty both experience a great deal of uncertainty during registration week due to problems that can be fixed by providing more consistent and factual information.  Last spring, BC converted…

Boston College Should Evaluate Mental Health Services, Implement Virtual UCS Scheduling, and Hire More Referral Staff
Opinions, Editorials

Boston College Should Evaluate Mental Health Services, Implement Virtual UCS Scheduling, and Hire More Referral Staff

Boston College should evaluate the efficacy of mental health services provided on campus in order to determine how to best serve the mental health needs of the student population. Some improvements that should be implemented include the creation of an email or messaging service to schedule appointments with University Counseling Services (UCS) and an increase…

Editorial: Boston College Should Permit Professors To Require Masks In Their Classrooms
Opinions, Editorials

Editorial: Boston College Should Permit Professors To Require Masks In Their Classrooms

Boston College should allow professors to implement mask mandates in their classrooms. A professor’s classroom is their own space, and the University should support its faculty by allowing them to make their own decisions regarding their personal and professional safety. The University has a responsibility to safeguard the well-being of all members of the BC…

Editorial: To Promote Dialogue, Student Organizations Should Not Invite Prejudiced Speakers
Editorials, Opinions

Editorial: To Promote Dialogue, Student Organizations Should Not Invite Prejudiced Speakers

Student organizations should not invite discriminatory speakers that ostracize members of the BC community and do not constructively participate in open debate.  There is a consistent pattern of hateful and inappropriate speakers being invited to speak on Boston College’s campus. In March, BC Republicans hosted political scientist Hadley Arkes, who promoted conversion therapy and argued…

Editorial: Boston College Should Expand Core Renewal Courses To All Students
Opinions, Editorials

Editorial: Boston College Should Expand Core Renewal Courses To All Students

Boston College should expand access to interdisciplinary Core Renewal courses beyond first-year students in order to keep upperclassmen engaged in the core curriculum. BC’s process of revamping its core curriculum began in 2012 and was most notably marked by the creation of the Core Renewal Enduring Questions and Complex Problems classes for first-year students. These…

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