The editorial board of The Heights is composed of a group of elected Heights editors. They are responsible for discussing and writing editorials, which represent the opinion of the newspaper.

Members: Erin Flaherty, Will Martino, Sourabh Gokarn, Conor Richards, Luke Evans, Spencer Steppe, Connor Killgallon, Ella Song, Parker Leaf, Ava Sjursen, Genevieve Morrison, Makayla Hickey, Laney McAden.

Editorial: Boston College Should Validate LGBTQ+ Students And Establish A Resource Center
Opinions, Editorials

Editorial: Boston College Should Validate LGBTQ+ Students And Establish A Resource Center

Boston College should validate its LGBTQ+ students by breaking from the Vatican regarding its recent statement that the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex marriages and that such relationships are sinful. The University should release a statement in support of its LGBTQ+ students and commit to establishing an on-campus resource center.  LGBTQ+ students have said they…

‘The Heights’ Endorses Jack Bracher and Gianna Russi For UGBC President and Vice President
Featured Story, Opinions, Editorials

‘The Heights’ Endorses Jack Bracher and Gianna Russi For UGBC President and Vice President

The Heights endorses candidates Jack Bracher and Gianna Russi, both MCAS ʼ22, for the 2021 Undergraduate Government of Boston College president and vice president.  This endorsement is based on each team’s policy platforms and the 30-minute meetings that The Heights editorial board held with each team. Out of the four teams running, Bracher and Russi…

Editorial: Common 2020 Election Questions Answered: How to Vote, Find Reliable News This Week
Opinions, Editorials

Editorial: Common 2020 Election Questions Answered: How to Vote, Find Reliable News This Week

The upcoming election will be different from any other election in recent history. It is unclear whether the country will know who won the election on the night of Nov. 3. In anticipation of the upcoming week, The Heights would like to point readers to reliable sources of information, answer questions about the election, and clear up common misconceptions. 

Boston College Must Increase COVID-19 Testing
Editorials, Opinions

Boston College Must Increase COVID-19 Testing

Colleges and universities across the country spent months forming plans to bring students back to campus. Testing measures, social distancing guidelines, and plans for housing students testing positive were just some of the factors administrations considered. One of the most important measures to take when striving to keep a large community of people safe, however,...
Boston College Was Inefficient in Communicating With Students, Faculty, and Staff Regarding Closing
Opinions, Editorials, Featured Column

Boston College Was Inefficient in Communicating With Students, Faculty, and Staff Regarding Closing

Boston College has communicated inefficiently with students, staff, and faculty regarding coronavirus. Administrators have been slow to announce updates, as rumors have circulated on campus and student anxiety has grown. The day before the University announced it was requiring students to move out of residence halls and moving all classes online, it rejected rumors that…

BC Should Divest From Fossil Fuels
Opinions, Editorials, Featured Column

BC Should Divest From Fossil Fuels

The Heights calls on Boston College to divest from fossil fuel companies. Divestment is an opportunity for BC to be an ethical leader among Jesuit and top-40 institutions, and investing in fossil fuels betrays BC’s Jesuit, Catholic roots and ethics. The University has maintained that its investments are not designed to promote social or political…

Elections Committee Should Increase Transparency and Clarify Sanctioning Guidelines
Opinions, Editorials

Elections Committee Should Increase Transparency and Clarify Sanctioning Guidelines

The Elections Committee’s sanctions changed the outcome of the 2020 Undergraduate Government of Boston College election. The EC handed down seemingly inconsistent punishments for campaign violations, but it has refused to publicly share how it decides sanctions, who comprises the EC, or even how many members it has.The EC has denied multiple requests from The…

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