Boston College should allocate more funding to Campus Ministry so that it can expand its staff by hiring chaplains of other faiths. Campus Ministry is an integral part of many students’ experiences at BC, regardless of their religious affiliation. It sponsors several retreats and service immersion programs that it stresses are “open to students of…
Editorial: COVID-19 Vaccination Should Be Required For Students To Return To Boston College In The Fall
Boston College should require students to be vaccinated for COVID-19 in order to return to campus in the fall. If the University does not require the vaccine, students should get the vaccine anyway, in order to do their part in promoting the health and safety of the BC community. The University has required students to…
Editorial: Boston College Should Validate LGBTQ+ Students And Establish A Resource Center
Boston College should validate its LGBTQ+ students by breaking from the Vatican regarding its recent statement that the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex marriages and that such relationships are sinful. The University should release a statement in support of its LGBTQ+ students and commit to establishing an on-campus resource center. LGBTQ+ students have said they…
‘The Heights’ Endorses Jack Bracher and Gianna Russi For UGBC President and Vice President
The Heights endorses candidates Jack Bracher and Gianna Russi, both MCAS ʼ22, for the 2021 Undergraduate Government of Boston College president and vice president. This endorsement is based on each team’s policy platforms and the 30-minute meetings that The Heights editorial board held with each team. Out of the four teams running, Bracher and Russi…
Editorial: Common 2020 Election Questions Answered: How to Vote, Find Reliable News This Week
The upcoming election will be different from any other election in recent history. It is unclear whether the country will know who won the election on the night of Nov. 3. In anticipation of the upcoming week, The Heights would like to point readers to reliable sources of information, answer questions about the election, and clear up common misconceptions.
Editorial: What We’d Be Thankful For: Knowing BC’s Plans for After Thanksgiving
Though we encourage the University to make a plan akin to Gonzaga University’s, no matter what BC decides, it needs to announce its plan soon. Students and their families need the ability to start planning now, whether it be to book a flight home or to find housing in Boston if returning home is impossible.
The Heights Editorial Board: How to Vote in the 2020 Election
This year, there won’t be any get out the vote rallies or voter registration parties to attend—not in person, at least. BC students need to take it upon themselves to make sure they get their ballots in on time. If you’re unsure of how to register, apply for an absentee ballot, or vote, check out our voting guide below.
To Combat Confusion, Release Details on Contact Tracing Procedures
UHS should post general guidance that is publicly available about situations that fall outside the definition of a close contact.
Boston College Must Increase COVID-19 Testing
Boston College Was Inefficient in Communicating With Students, Faculty, and Staff Regarding Closing
Boston College has communicated inefficiently with students, staff, and faculty regarding coronavirus. Administrators have been slow to announce updates, as rumors have circulated on campus and student anxiety has grown. The day before the University announced it was requiring students to move out of residence halls and moving all classes online, it rejected rumors that…