Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Please Vote!

Thumbs Up: Voting! We cannot stress this enough: Please vote! Your voice matters, and this may be one of the most important elections in our lifetime. If you can vote, then it is your civic responsibility to do so. If you’re voting in-person on election day in Massachusetts, polls open anywhere from 5:45 am to 7 am and close at 8 pm. 

Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: 10/20

Thumbs Down: People Who Don’t Like Candy Corn
This thumbs down is kind of a double negative—apologies to our copy team. That being said, candy corn is literally honey-flavored nostalgia. Anyone who doesn’t like it clearly just didn’t have the proper amount of Halloween cheer as a kid. For 21+ readers, try soaking candy corn in vodka and then adding pineapple juice or club soda. You’re welcome.

TU/TD, Opinions

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Oct. 13

Thumbs Up: Flies. Flies everywhere are really having a moment. From the national debate stage to…the national debate stage. Five years ago, could you ever have imagined that the one thing you would take away from a vice presidential debate would be that a fly landed on Mike Pence’s hair? #flygate

During Jesuit Self-Survey, BC Should Consider How to Better Serve Students from Lower-Income Families
Opinions, Editorials

During Jesuit Self-Survey, BC Should Consider How to Better Serve Students from Lower-Income Families

Boston College is participating in a self-study as a part of the Jesuit Mission Priority Examen initiated by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. The study is designed as a self-reflective measure to assess how well Jesuit universities are demonstrating Jesuit ideals. Topics in the survey range from integrity to campus culture. Jesuits and…

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