If a scene looked better with pink flowers, Hinde would see to it that a few brightly colored branches from a few miles away were cut down and staged exactly where he deemed necessary.
Lost in ‘La La Land’
As the year in film wraps up, moviegoers still have a mesmerizing musical waiting for them in the near future.
Limit Emotional Affect: Analysis of ‘Westworld’
‘Westworld’ asks important and complex questions. Let us hope that, in all of its complexity, it does not get lost along the way.
Asking for a Miracle and Getting It
Having motivations as to why we are feeling the way we are is often times more troubling than the feelings themselves.
The Future of Violence in Entertainment
As special effects and virtual reality technology evolves over time, violence has become more prevalent and realistic in TV, movies, and video games. What does this say about how future generations will look at violence in the entertainment they take in?
Poor Comedies and Politics: An Inescapable Reality
Much like a bad comedy, the 2016 election has become a bloated caricature of its former self. Divisive and dramatic, the race to the White House is an overblown and frightening parody of what it once was.
The Man on the Train
There are many times that art helps us subvert our feelings by recognizing they exist. It is hard to be lonely when in the company of others feeling the same thing.
Holding Out Hope for ‘Rogue One’ and the Future of ‘Star Wars’
While fans and critics of the sci-fi series are rethinking their initial reactions to ‘The Force Awakens,’ one fans holds onto the hope that the future of the series is still in the right hands.
Ten Years of a Transforming Taylor Swift
Seeing Swift’s image transform has been pretty exciting—one year she’s all curls and cowboy boots, the next she sports fedoras and stick-straight bangs. As a girl who has grown old with her music, I wonder what she has planned for this new phase of her career.
Out of ‘Westworld,’ Out of Wonderland, Out of the Cave
How sure are we about the nature of our reality? Are filmmakers trying to tell us something about our existence that we just can’t seem to see?