It’s been a long time coming, but fans of the renowned western game series can rest easy knowing the next Rockstar masterpiece is only a year away.
The Song Cover Craze: Praise for Postmodern Jukebox
As far as song covers go, I’ve never really preferred them to the originals. Postmodern Jukebox has provided me with an entirely new outlook on the complex art of re-creating contemporary hits.
Hollywood Takes On The Donald
While both presidential candidates have garnered all types of supports, it’s interesting to see the celebrities that have filed into their respective camps this election season.
Fine Art and Urinals: Understanding the Abstract
I have come to the realization that thinking literally has its drawbacks. For instance, Duchamp’s signature Dada style asked no clear question, and it frustrated me when I couldn’t come up with any kind of an answer.
Batman v. Superman v. Marvel
How much longer will Marvel dominate the superhero box office and how long will DC be relegated to eating glue in the corner?
Mountains and Music: Getting Sentimental with Rusted Root
The song seems whimsical and otherworldly in a spiritual sort of way. I associate it with memories of a small cabin burrowed in beautiful North Conway, NH.
Finding Change Between Beats
In film, some of the most myopic moment have the biggest changes. These beats in film make for compelling stories, but similar moments in our own lives can help unfurl the next chapter in our own life’s manuscript.
Unearthing New Understanding with Bruce Springsteen
The soundtracks of our youth may contain a few staple songs from the immense Bruce Springsteen. Overtime, however, their meaning may change as we uncover new means of interpretation.
A Lesson Learned from ‘Barry Lyndon’
We all have things in our lives that we’re certain we won’t like. If we expand our horizons, however, we may find that what we’ve been avoiding is actually just what we’ve been looking for.
Disney is Dead
While many may revel in the stream of successful 3D-animated features the studio has produced, one fan laments the slow shift away from the classic 2D cartoons that filled our childhoods.