The ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ series is a time-honored tale of boyhood and brotherhood, a bridge between the plausible events of one’s early years and the boundless potential of the imaginary. Bring it on, cartoonists of today.
Into the Wilds of Making Music
There is a special feeling attained when playing beloved music with your own hands as you become, arguably, closer to the music than ever before.
Goodbye, Mr. Wilder
The death of Wilder has made me spend a lot of time thinking about friendship, comedy, and specifically the influence that he and the rest of the Brooks clan have had on the world and, even more specifically, how I view it.
Analyzing the Visual Album Era
In today’s increasingly competitive realm of music, it seems as though the attention-getter du jour is none other than the coveted visual album.
A Call to Arts
Amidst the stunning and rapturous energy that takes over BC in the first couple weeks, underclassmen should take the time and effort to show the campus their artistic abilities.
Learning a Lesson from the Successful Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep’s prolific career is a testament to her motivation and passion. This college student looks to her for guidance in a quest for college success.
Soundtrack to Our Lives
Films would be incomplete without a stellar score to vault them from good to great. In our own lives, the most mundane of circumstances, may be made more enjoyable by the songs we carry with us.
Finding Different Pieces of Myself
There is a reason the sappy, transformative college experience exists as a cliche. Not because it is easy to understand or wistfully desirable, but because it is very real.
In the Summertime, When the Weather is Fine
Summer’s a great time not only to get away from the pressures of the school year, but also to catch up on the entertainment that school doesn’t accommodate.
Evaluating The Magic of Throwback Tracks
The mid-to-late ’00s were the golden age for good guilty pleasure playlists. Thanks to Green Day, T-Pain, and Five for Fighting, popular turn-of the-century songs gave way to some of today’s greatest throwback jams.